Saturday, July 12, 2008

One Last Full Night's Sleep - Big Brother Begins

Watch Big Brother 10 24/7

As the premier of Big Brother 10 approaches, I prepare to enjoy the last full night of sleep I am likely to experience over the next 2-3 months. When I awake in the morning, I will be bidding adieu to my friend rest. I am not the only one. There is you..and you...and yes...even you..who will join me in our traditional summer addiction.

We'll begin tomorrow with a passing knowledge of the group we will be getting to know. In two months, they will be like old friends to many. It is the beginning of several friendships (in sort of an odd way..I'll give you that)...but to many they are at least summertime friends. They'll join that group of characters you may remember from the various summers during your life. Passing acquaintances that can quite easily leave an impression, regardless of the brevity (or the fact that it is one-way) of the relationship.

Aside from the houseguests, we do get the opportunity to make real friendships with others in the Big Brother Community. Sometimes those are seasonal, as well..but in many cases long-lasting - real - friendships can be formed through many of the forums that have come along because of Big Brother.

Simply can be more than a silly reality show. It can be that at argument there...but the overall experience...for those of us who have dedicated so many hours watching, recording, becomes something more than a passing fancy.

So it is to all of those Big Brother fans out there who I salute tonight, as I take my final, solid doze for the near future. Rest it with a friend..or an enemy...or even me Quirkydude here at Big Brother Archives! Sorry..couldn't resist.

I look forward to renewing some old BB friendships and beginning some more...and I look forward to getting to know a new, nutty group of Big Brother Houseguests.

Watch Big Brother 24/7! Order your live feeds here!


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Anonymous said...

Well put Quirky ! I too am looking forward to making new friends this season and watching the updates from you. Your site is the best I have found and I am sticking with it for the whole season. Please keep up the good work. Hope you got a good nights sleep and are ready for the season.

Anonymous said...

Ah Quirky, I have never heard it put quite so well, sadly most of my family and real-life friends just don't get it or understand! I often say that I have better and much closer friends on-line through Big Brother, than I ever have had in real life LOL! And I was gonna tell you that (as if you have time)LOL, but there is a group of us BB addicts that have our own chatroom and we would LOVE for you to join us anytime that you could! The site is! Can't wait for the first episode tonight, YEEEHAWWW... Julsy