Britany - Season 12 Dan - Season 10 Daniele - Seasons 8 & 13
Enzo - Season 12 Howie - Seasons 6 & 7 Janelle - Seasons 6 & 7
Jeff - Seasons 11 & 13 Jessie - Seasons 10 & 11 Kaysar - Seasons 6 & &
Boogie - Seasons 2 & 7 Rachel - Seasons 12 & 13 Ragan - Season 12
Renny - Season 10 Will - Seasons 2 & 7
Who will it be? The countdown will continue!
If you aren't set up with the feeds yet, please click below and get started. Feeds begin as soon as the premiere episode ends on the west coast on Thursday night. Enjoy! It should be a great season!